Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Next Chapter

the next chapter

I am not sure where we left off but things have changed around here. I am no longer married to my vanilla wife. she lives somewhere over on the other side of town. the house has sold and I am looking. Looking for many things. I am transitioning.  remember the rabbit hole we are slipping into, there is no getting out. I have never been so happy with the person I am becoming. it is one of the craziest things I have ever felt and done. I love it.

I should be keeping a log or journal but often I just don't have the time to sit down anymore as I try to keep moving forward. I am so excited. I now have the paperwork completed to get hrt. I go for my final Dr.s visit to get checked out and to get my prescription. heady times for sure.

move forward a few months.  I now have been on HRT for a full 6 months and oh my things have changed. I haven't been married for a while now and it makes little difference. I now live as a woman in a small conservative community. My life and my business have continued to grow as I become the woman I need to be. Most importantly life has become livable again. It was interesting what has fallen to the wayside as I learn to live honestly and comfortably in my own skin. No more pretending to be something I am not.

In case anyone was wondering, this is what has become of me. I still enjoy a good hard cock, but it is not the driving force that it was. Who knows what the future will bring. I do know that the search continues!